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Discover Everything About Organic Local Produce in Redlands, Highland, Mentone, Yucaipa, and Loma Linda


Supplements, organic produce, grocery items, meat, dairy, Gluten-free, Wheat-free products. Highly trained staff to answer all your health questions. Family owned and operated since 1972. Juice Bar.

11235 Mountain View Ave. Loma Linda, CA 92354


The Grove School Farmers Market is a certified market that features produce grown by students of The Grove School, a public charter school that includes a working farm. Local farmers, including two certified organic growers, also participate.

11126 Iowa Street Redlands, CA 92373

Old Grove Orange is a group of 15+ small growers in SoCal, dedicated to making the last remaining farms in our region sustainable via partnerships with local school districts. We have been farming for five generations and have two decades of experience serving local students through Farm to School! We are here to provide our community - you guys - with the best fruits and vegetables we can grow, to take care of our land as true land stewards (we're certified organic), and to connect kids with the wonder of nature!

2081 Alessandro Road Redlands, CA 92373

Micro nursery stock grower USDA certified organic heirloom vegetable, culinary & medicinal herbs, native milkweed plants, cut flowers & stone fruits

1304 Rolling Hills Road Redlands, Ca 92374

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